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“Making life better but not necessarily easier.”
Artworks and design objects of Boglárka Mázsi ceramic and product designer.
A portfolio that presents applied design works from objects to body ornaments to light design.

A Concrete Dialog - concrete objects for contemporary jewelry

A concrete dialog

jewellery presenter objects
cooperation with Gigi Mariani
curated by Eliana Negroni – 2023
Detail view of a concrete jewel

in between

jewellery collection
for Budai Rajziskola 2024

Shoulder plate for Giolelli in Fermento 2021 by Boglárka Mázsi.


shoulder plate – jewellery
for Gioielli In Fermento 2021

Paper artwork of Boglárka Mázsi with silver paint

levitating cities

paper & concrete objects
for Budapest Design Week 2019

Concrete cube sculpture for Geumgang Nature Art Biennale by Boglárka Mázsi


paper & concrete object
Geumgang Nature Art Biennale

Ambient lamp by Boglárka Mázsi

l33 ambient lamp

concrete ambient lamp
A’Design Award winner 2016


shoulder plate – jewellery
for Gioielli In Fermento 2020

Boglárka Mázsi

She began her design journey with a focus on ceramics, completing her undergraduate studies with a unique project centered around concrete. Her innovative approach to mood lighting, using L33 concrete and plexiglass, earned her the prestigious international A’Design Award. During her academic career, she broadened her design perspective through an Erasmus exchange program at ESDIR (Escuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja) in Spain, where she explored product design. She later pursued her master’s degree in product design at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, further enriching her experience with a year-long study in Indonesia, funded by the Republic of Indonesia’s Darmaswa scholarship.

Her work is driven by a passion for conceptual design and design thinking, with a particular focus on innovation. In 2017, she contributed to the HealthBot project for Grape Solution Zrt., leading to a first-place win at the InnoMax Innovation Award. Since 2018, she has served as the in-house designer for OBAI-Concrete, while also working as a freelance designer. Her freelance work includes co-founding the OBAIKO architecture and design firm alongside Ákos Eleőd Jr., where she continues to take on innovative and individual projects.


2024 Budai Rajziskola Budapest, Metalsmithing

2017 Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, Product Design MA.
2015 – 2016 Darmasiswa – university Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar – Indonesian Governmental scholarship
2014 Budapest College of Communication and Business – Arts, faculty of craftmanship: ceramics. – BA.
2013 ERASMUS Scholarship – ESDIR Escuela Superior de Diseno de La Rioja, Spain, department of product design
2005 – 2009 Budapest College of Management – Faculty of International Relations


2021 2nd. prize Gioielli in Fermento 20|21REFLECTING, shoulder plate, 2020 and MEMORY FRAGMENTS, shoulder plate 2021
2017 1st. prize InnoMax Innovation Award – cooperation with Grape Solution Zrt. – HealthBot
2016 A’ Design Award & Competition – winner in Lighting Products and Lighting Projects Design
2014 GS1 KódVilág Design Competition –  selected among the best 30 works

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